Tip 78. E-mails to call on a specific date can be dragged to the Outlook Calendar.

posted in: Calendars, E-mail | 0
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Here is how to remind yourself to make a call on a specific date by only using the e-mail.

  1. Select the e-mail message in Outlook of the person you need to make a call to on a specific date.
  2. Drag it to the date in the To-Do Bar on the right or down to the Calendar icon (depends on your version of Outlook).
  3. A dialogue box will appear.
  4. Make sure the Appointment tab is selected at the top of the dialogue box.
  5. Click on the drop-down arrow on the Start time box and select the date you need to make the call.
  6. Check off the All day event box. This will place the e-mail call reminder at the very top of the selected date page and not on a specific appointment time in your Day Calendar view.
  7. Click on the Save & Close button on the top left.

This allows you to keep the e-mail in the system without having to print it out or leave it in your Inbox to be reminded to do it.


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