When you want to save a document or an e-mail to a shared drive, isn’t it a pain to have to endlessly click, click and click in the Save As box until you find the drive?
No more.
Here is a way to cut down the clicks.
1. Open Microsoft File (Windows) Explorer by right clicking the Start button on the far left of your Taskbar.
2. Left click on “Open Windows Explorer” which will open up Windows Explorer.
3. Select (or left click one time) the drive/folder that you want to have available.
4. Go to the top left and right click the word “Favorites.”
5. Click on “Add current location to Favorites.
From now on your group can save all of their documents to one drive with minimal clicks giving everyone access to all files.
A little click will do ya.
© Greg Vetter 2018. All rights reserved