Tip 2. Action creates energy.

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How do you feel when you just sit around for days? Tired? Lethargic? Now compare that with how you feel after working out.

When you feel stuck, do something, do anything. The mere act of doing something causes you to create energy, which in turn allows you to do other things. It’s as if you are creating a source of fuel for yourself when you take some kind of action.

Think about grilling a steak. The steak doesn’t stop cooking just because you pull it off of the fire. It continues to cook from the energy created by the movement of the heated molecules. That’s why your Medium-Rare steak mysteriously turns into a Medium later on.

The same is true for you. Do nothing and, well, nothing happens. Don’t make a Misteak. Be Rare! Do something Well Done!

© Greg Vetter 2017. All rights reserved.

#action, energy


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