Tip 44. Find information in seconds.

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Do you know how your brain stores information?

The easiest way to store and find information is by using a Category. A Category is a grouping of similar or like items focused around a particular subject.

You already know how the Category model works—it’s everywhere. The following are some examples in your personal life:

      • House: Rooms: Kitchen, Den, Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room
      • Stores: Type of: Grocery, Book, Sports, Shoe, Music
      • Library: Sections: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Historical, Religion, Business

The same model can also be used in your office. Some examples of Support Categories are: Clients, Financial, Policies and Procedures, Literature, Presentations, and Personal.

As humans, we have a tendency to make things complex. God set up our brains to assimilate information by subject. Why fight the simplest and most intuitive way to find something?

In the school of Organization, isn’t it time to make Categories your favorite subject?

© Greg Vetter 2017. All rights reserved.


#Categories, #information storage