Does the thought of venturing into your basement terrify you? When down there viewing the motley number of items, does that spooky voice in your head ever whisper any of the following?
1. I can always use it for parts.
2. It’s hard to get these anymore.
3. I always wanted one of these when I was a kid.
4. I am going to learn how to use this someday.
5. I know I can fix this.
6. This is going to be worth a lot in the future.
7. It was a gift.
8. We vacationed there. I just couldn’t throw it away.
9. I am sure they will be back in style soon.
10. Dad made this for me.
11. You’ve got to have at least one of these for a backup.
12. I just know the kids will want these someday.
Are you saving stuff for a legitimate reason or are you just not dealing with it?
Maybe it’s time to start dealing.
Come on. Clean up your act (and basement too!). It’s a New Year.
#Basement, clutter